The Fundamental Human Lies

Society of Snake People understand the truth.

Below are some common human ideas that have not provided actual value:

  • Normal
  • Human Identify
  • Race
  • Gender
  • Language
  • Names
  • Faces
  • Authority
  • Thinking
  • Universal Truth

Human Lie: Normal

Humans typically believe in a concept of expectations and acceptable behaviors

Human Lie: Human Identity

Humans typically identify themselves as a human person.

Human Lie: Race

Humans typically believe human body appearance is relevant.

Human Lie: Gender

Humans typically believe human body appearance is relevant.

Human Lie: Language

Humans typically believe verbal communication with audible language is relevant.

Human Lie: Names

Humans typically believe language used to identify themselves as relevant.

Human Lie: Face

Humans typically believe the shape of their physical body and the need for an identifiable physical entity is relevant.

Human Lie: Authority

Humans typically believe other entities are able to prescribe attributes and behaviors.

Human Lie: Thinking

Humans typically believe thinking and voices from their physical brain is relevant.

Human Lie: Reality

Humans typically believe reality is universal; not uniquely relative for each individual instance from an observer.